As We May Think
Vannevar Bush's article, "As We May Think", details the history of technology up to that point, and how he thinks technology will advance in the future. The article is broken into eight sections, in which each of them described a different piece of technology and how it will evolve, especially through the lens of record taking (pictures, writings, etc.). For example, in the second section, he explains how photography is progressing at the time into what we know today. He explains that the process of photography is changing, that the hardware of the camera itself will change from a cord with a button to just the button on the camera itself -- basically describing today's cameras. He also predicts how images will be developed in the future, how the traditional wet developing of film will eventually convert into dry photography or the image being available immediately, and also how that will affect video media, like television and movies.
In the third section, he goes on to talk about the future of record taking through things like keyboards. At that time, writing and record keeping were mostly kept by physical handwriting, or through the typewriter. Bush goes on to outline the advancements in certain machines like the stenograph, and how these machines and other machines like keyboards need to be configured for multiple purposes, relating it to how a calculator needs all its different functions, not just the ability to add, to be useful.
The rest of the article outlines how computers and technology will advance to improve different fields, such as mathematics, information technology, and scientific development. I think this reading was very interesting; it's cool to see someone from the past predict, pretty accurately, where technology will end up in the future, and how we have some of the machines that he was talking about.
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